Sunday 29 July 2018


Students are challenged daily to make decisions in an environment fraught with tension and uncertainty. Faced with social, economic, and cultural issues to a degree not experienced by previous generations, students must have proactive choices to nurture the potential they each have to become successful learners. The Guidance and Counseling Program, as an educational program, creates options for students to develop and emphasize strategies which enhance this potential. Guidance and counseling are two sides of the same coin. The goal in both cases is to give an opportunity for an individual to see a variety of available options and thereafter, assist the person in making a wise choice. Guidance is the process that is put in place at a time a choice is to be made. Counseling on the other hand
i)                    helps with considering all sides of a potential choice even before the choice is made;
ii)                    takes place when a choice has been made and there is a need to modify, reinforce or abandon such a choice
 Benefits of a Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program
·                    Prepares students to be productive, contributing citizens with a strong work ethic.
·                    Provides continuity for smooth and effective levels of transition from kindergarten through post-secondary.
·                    Facilitates a school/home/community network.
·                    Enhances and encourages a model for life-long learning with emphasis on appropriate decision making and communication skills in a diverse and technological society.
·                    Encourages students to learn positive human relationships as a means of managing conflicts.
Vocationally, counseling and guidance services aim that the student perceives himself realistically; knows his weak and strong points; feels the need to develop his weak points and makes use of opportunities for developing his weak points; searches for job opportunities suitable for himself; possesses the skills that working life requires such as communication, taking responsibility , decision making and problem solving and makes professional plans . Furthermore, they help the students who are obliged to start working upon finishing elementary or secondary education to be oriented and placed in a job appropriate for his interests and abilities

Guidance is a broad term that is applied to a school’s programme of activities and services that are aimed at assisting students to make and carry out adequate plans and to achieve satisfactory adjustment in life. Guidance can be defined as a process, developmental in nature, by which an individual is assisted to understand, accept and utilise his/her abilities, aptitudes and interests and attitudinal patterns in relation to his/her aspirations. Guidance as an educational construct involves those experiences, which assist each learner to understand him/herself, accept him/herself and live effectively in his/her society. This is in addition to the learner having learning experiences about the world of work and people therein.Guidance can also be looked at as a programme of services to people based upon the need of each individual, an understanding of his/her immediate environment, the influence of environmental factors on the individual and the unique features of each school. Guidance is designed to help each person adjust to his/her environment, develop the ability to set realistic goals for him/herself, and improve his/her total educational programme. As a process, guidance is not a simple event but it involves a series of actions or steps progressively moving towards a goal. As a service, we can isolate three major services, that of educational, vocational, and personal and social guidance.
1. Educational Guidance
Educational guidance is so far as it can be distinguished from any other from of guidance, is concerned with the provision of assistance to pupils in their choices in and adjustment to the schools’ curriculum and school life in general. Educational guidance is therefore essential in counseling service. Guiding young people to pursue the right type of education in which, for example the right balance is met for accommodating the human resource needs of a nation.
2. Vocational Guidance
Vocational guidance is a process of helping individuals to choose an occupation, prepare for, enter into and progress in it. Vocational happiness requires that a person’s interests, aptitudes and personality be suitable for his/her work. It plays its part by providing individuals with a comprehension of the world of work and essential human needs, thus familiarizing individuals with such terms as `dignity of labor’ and `work value’
3. Personal and Social Guidance
Personal and social guidance is the process of helping an individual on how to behave with consideration to other people. Primarily, personal and social guidance helps the individual to understand oneself, how to get along with others, manners and etiquette, leisure time activities, social skills, family and family relationships and understanding masculine and feminine roles.
  They are systematic and organized procedure and facilities toward assisting individual.  It is as a group of service given to individuals to assist them in securing knowledge and skills needed in making plans and devices, and in interpreting life. It includes tools and facilities in discharging its services to individuals.  It is s an organized set of specialized services established as integral part of school environment designed to promote the development of the students and assist them toward a realization of sound and wholesome adjustment and maximum accomplishments commensurate with their potentials In addition to the classification above,guidance services can also be classified as Orientation service, public inventory service, placement service, follow up service and counseling service.

1. It is an integral part of school system.
 2. It is organized; it has structure, system and personnel.
 3. It is more of a preventive than curative.
 4. It promotes educational objectives.
 5. It adheres to the principle that the individual/students is the center of all efforts.
 6. It promotes student development.
1.            To improve self-understanding
2.             To increase student understanding of self in relation to others.
3.             To emphasize relationships between academic pursuits and personal development.
4.             To promote better understanding of the teacher to achieve such as an important role in relating to life, the students should have understanding.
5.            To contribute to feeling of security.
6.             To supplement teachers’ effort in assisting children with problems. Steps which teachers can take: a. Maintain an attitude of sympathy. b. Make an effort to understand these children and convey a feeling of genuine understanding.
7.            Provide counseling in appropriate cases. d. Make referrals to the counselor. e. Maintain contact with home, as appropriate. f. Provide for the needs of an individual students within instructional setting. g. Provide personal attention incident to classroom and other activities.
8.             To provide for the accomplishment and attainment of long range goals.
9.             To accumulate and interpret important information.
·     Counseling service
     A counseling service is designed to facilitate self-understanding and self development through dyadic or small-group relationships. The major focus of such relationship tends to be upon personal development and decision making that is based on self-understanding and knowledge of the environment
They are usually located in schools, universities, community service agencies, and pastoral organizations, while psychotherapeutic services are usually found in clinics, hospitals, and private practice. The recipients of counseling are `normal’ individuals rather than those who exhibit abnormal or extreme modes of adjustment. Psychotherapy exists for individuals with psychological disorders. Counseling helps the essentially normal individual remove frustrations and obstacles that interfere with development, while psychotherapy attempts to deal with disabling or disintegrating conflicts. Counseling focuses upon helping the individual to cope with development tasks such as self-definition, independence, and the like. Attention is given to clarifying the individual’s assets, skills, strengths, and personal resources in terms of role development. Counseling approaches, are based more upon emphasizing present conscious material (material available within the individual’s awareness) while psychotherapeutic approaches tend to emphasize historic and symbolic materials, relying heavily upon reactivation and consideration of unconscious processes.

Functions of Counseling Service
1.               Study the real life environment.
2.                Define the problem situation.
3.               Establish the parameter of the program.
4.                Design a counseling model.
5.                Pilot test model.
6.                Introduce the system.
7.                Operate the system.
8.                Evaluate the system.
9.                Eliminate the system.
Basic Facts of Counseling
1.               The process involves a two-way relationship and responsibility.
2.                Counseling service should be extended to all students in the schools and the former pupils who have graduated or who have left schools.
3.                Some staff members should be trained to work with different groups of students on various phases of the guidance program including the counseling service.
4.                The need of the counselee gives rise to the development of the counseling situation which aimed at the satisfaction of those needs.
 The three stages:
a.              Exploratory stage
b.               Interpretative stage
c.              Adjustment stage
·     Follow-up service
An integral part of guidance services is the follow-up. It is concerned with what happens to students while in school or after they have left schools. It helps to receive information about the student’s adaptation and development who has received orientation and placement service together with psychological counseling service. Another important benefit of follow-up services is that they provide information on the efficacy of the counseling and guidance service that has been given to the student. Moreover, it is extremely important that research concerning the features, needs, expectations and problems of the students, teachers, directors and parents is carried out and research and evaluation service regarding the evaluation of these results is provided. It helps  to enhance the development of students by helping them select and utilize opportunities within the school and  outside. Follow-up Service is perceived both as the least important and as the least rendered.
 Purpose of Follow-up Service
1.  To ascertain the progress and status of students within the various classrooms, courses and curricular areas.
2.   To gain data which may identify weakness in the various phases of the school progress.
3.   To learn how former graduates are processing.
4.   To evaluate the effectiveness of the school’s placement activity.
5.   To learn why pupils leave before graduation.
6.   To discover grade levels at which most dropouts occur.
7.   To obtain opinions concerning needed modification of the curriculum in the light of the experiences of former pupils.
 Tools Used in the Follow-up Service
1.     Conducting surveys.
2.      Use of telephone.
3.     The use of follow up letters.
·        Placement Service
Placement is a service within the guidance program which is designed to assist students in the selection of suitable courses or curricula, extra-class activities and part-time or full-time employment or appropriate career choices and skills. This service takes care of assisting students in their career decision-making from knowing their abilities and potential, providing them information regarding the university course offerings and requirements, information on job trends, job referrals and employment.
Types of Placement Service
1.                 Educational placement
2.                 Occupational placement
3.                  Job placement